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Motivating employees to participate in safety programs: A quick guide

You know the importance of safety, but how can you motivate your employees to get on board?

You've dedicated numerous resources towards building comprehensive safety programs, used best practices to train supervisors and recruited candidates you felt would make safety a priority.

After all of this preparation, are you still seeing a disconnect between the goals of your safety program and the attitudes and behaviors of your employees?

This is where we can help. Motivating your employees about safety takes a few best practices and some out-of-the-box ideas.

This quick guide will outline the benefits of a comprehensive program, how to motivate your employees and some creative safety program ideas to get you started as well as a safety checklist to see where your current program stands.

About the Author

About Casey: Content marketing manager, frequently reading, aspiring chef, failed plant mom, connoisseur of tater tots, beauty products and airplane food.

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